26 May - 29 May 2006
University of
Bologna Residential Center
(Forlì), Italy
We present here a framework that
allows us to study games among coalitions (and their anarchy cost) and
also antagonism in networks. Our coalitional model is parameterised on
the sizes of coalitions and allows for derivation of matching upper and
lower bounds on the anarchy cost of the game. Our confrontational model
examines the dynamic competition of populations over networks and
allows for efficient predictions of the survival of the weakest species.
Networked Populations of
Selfish Adaptive Agents: Sensitivity to Network Structure
AITIA International Inc. and Lorand Eotvos University, Budapest
Simulating the
Effects of Altruistic
Punishment on Cooperation
Shade T. Shutters
Arizona State University (USA)
Dynamic Coalitions and Möbius Inversion
Giovanni Rossi, University of Bologna (Italy)
Biology and Culture: For a
Cognitive Description of Altruistic Behavior
Gennaro Di Tosto, Mario Paolucci, Rosaria Conte.
Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione, CNR, Rome (Italy)
Models of Tagging Behavior
Ciro Cattuto, *Vittorio Loreto, *Luciano Pietronero
Centro Studi e Ricerche "Enrico Fermi", *Universita' di Roma "La
Sapienza", Rome (Italy)
for Cooperation in Dynamic Networks
David Hales, Stefano Aretconi
University of Bologna (Italy)
Recently we presented some simple network rewiring rules that support cooperation in dynamic networks. They were based on some novel "tag" models from computational sociology. We have proposed these as peer-to-peer protocols that could potentially support various kinds of application. We will describe these models and their dynamics and discuss some open issues. We will breifly disucss how these processes produce a kind of emergent dynamic coalition formation process that supports cooperatvie coalitions.
the Development of Social Structure in Evolutionary Domains
Bruce Edmonds
Centre for Policy Modelling, Manchester (UK)
A key question is: how can sophisticated “social structures” arise as the result of an evolutionary/adaptive process of the parts? Or to be more exact: what conditions are necessary for complex coordination of action to arise in evolutionary systems? That some positive answers exist to these questions is suggested by the fact that complex ecosystems and societies have arisen as the result of biological evolution. If we could make any progress in answering these questions these could be applied in the design of complex adaptive distributed systems. A fundamental requisite for the development of such social complexity is the presence of some mechanism whereby the nature of other individuals can be recognised, albeit in a fallible and coarse manner. One such manner is that of "tags" which are socially observable cues but ones which are not necessarily "hard-wired" to other characteristics of the individual. However the presence of such tags allows for more sophisticated manners of interaction to develop and, furthermore, are a minimal way of doing so. This talk will describe investigations into two domains which are particular cases of the above general question: (1) some existing work about using tags to facilitate the emergence of group-based resource-sharing when there is a specialisation of skills in an evolutionary setting and (2) some new work looking at the effect of tags and tag-like properties on the evolution of food-webs in a competitive (dog eat dog) domain. 1. Tags, specialisation and resource-sharing - here it is shown that donation levels can be maintained in population of selfish individuals with specialised “harvesting” skills in an evolutionary process even when there is no benefit other than the better distribution of nutrition among a population with tags. This model goes further than others since 5% of resources are dissipated during sharing. The evolutionary “benefit” to gene-lineages are only those obtainable via their participation in groups of individuals with similar tags. This shows a possible way in which the potential advantages of specialisation (such as those found in human societies) can be maintained in the face of possible defection/invasion by “hoarders”. 2. Tags in the evolution of food webs - in this ongoing work, an evolutionary model of the evolution of primitive life within a simple spatial environment is investigated. This is a more descriptive model where the “organisms” inhabit a simple 2D grid world with unevenly distributed sunshine and water supplies. The organisms have a reasonably expressive genome coding for basic abilities such as moving one square, turning etc. These abilities include such as recognising those with “tag1”, displaying “tag2”, being poisonous etc. The model is being investigated for the dynamics that result from this and the food webs that result. This will be compared to behaviour in observed in previous tag models.
Mechanisms applied to Grid Virtual Organizations Management
Isaac Chao
Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona (Spain)
Virtual Organizations (VO) are geographically distributed, functionally diverse, dynamic and agile organizational entities linked through Information and Communications Technology (ICT). Next generation large-scale open distributed systems, such as Grids, consist on ensembles of VOs. These systems are often composed of very heterogeneous components, potentially having divergent interests and belonging to very different administrative domains. We have to take into account a high probability of any of the following characteristics: a) Lack of previous interactions between agents or any usable historical data; b) High levels of dynamicity, agents entering and exiting the system continuously; c) Impossibility of using a centralized institution to enforce fulfilment of agreements; d) Grids can be formed by communities that continuously change their usage policies, membership and goals during their lifetime. A central control and manual management is exceedingly difficult or even impossible in this kind of systems. Decentralized, self-organized management and operation becomes a requirement. We aim to extend existent Tag mechanisms [Hales04] adapting them to the describe target scenario with a twofold purpose: 1) Address current limitations of Tag mechanism, providing robustness to non-adaptive agents, support for a fitness or utility measure and comparison for a VO scenario and adding a degree of control over the evolutionary learning mechanism. The goal is the achievement of high cooperation between agents leading to system-wide overall utility (social welfare) maximization, even in the presence of a sensible number of non-adaptive agents; 2) Coordinate VO lifecycle in a self-organized fashion, sensible to the VO ecosystem it inhabits. We rely on the emergence trough the Tag mechanism of the desired macroscopic properties. We want to address the engineering of certain macroscopic VO properties- namely cooperation level reached, diversity of VOs in the system and VO stability – just by modifying the microscopic mechanism parameters. The goal is to achieve a parametric description of such micro-macro links enabling the self-organized engineering of systems composed of VOs incorporating emergence. I will present a generic model for the management of VOs in the Grid based on Tag mechanisms, but incorporating several extensions addressing current limitations (from a Grid VO point of view) of state-of the art Tag mechanisms. A concrete implementation of the model and experimental results for a specific Grid model will be presented for evaluation and discussion
Cheating Liars and the Fools Who Believe Them
Stefano Arteconi, David Hales, Ozalp Babaoglu
University of Bologna (Italy)
Recently, evolutionary algorithms based on “tags” have been adapted for application in peer-to-peer (P2P) systems. Using this approach nodes compare their utilities with random others and copy behaviours and links based on which node has the higher utility. Although such algorithms have been shown to posses many of the attractive emergent properties of the previous tag models, such as self-organised cooperation and coordination, they rely on the honest reporting of node utilities, behaviours and links. But what if a node does not follow the specified protocol and attempt to subvert it for its own selfish ends? We examine the robustness of this approach to two kinds of cheating behaviour in the nodes: a) when nodes lie and cheat to maximize their own utility and b) when nodes act nihilistically to try to destroy cooperation in the network. We find that in a) a certain percentage of such "greedy cheating liars" actually can improve system performance and in b) the network can still function even containing high levels of such nodes. Recent evolutionary “tag” models developed within social simulation and computational sociology have been proposed as possible candidates for robust distributed computing applications such as peer-to-peer file sharing. These classes of model demonstrate a mechanism by which even selfish local optimizers may come to act in an unselfish manner through a kind of “group like” selection process. However, for this process to operate, it is assumed that nodes report their individual fitness, behavior and links to other nodes honestly. But what happens if nodes not follow the honest protocol? What if they act maliciously either for their own benefit or simply to destroy the network? A node may lie about its utility to another node, may lie about its behavior (when the other node wishes to copy it) and may lie about its neighbor links. We present results of extensive computer simulations of P2P networks using an existing evolutionary inspired protocol called SLACER which has been shown to robustly promote and maintain the formation of small-world networks with chains of cooperating nodes linking all nodes. We subject it to attack by four variants of malicious behavior showing under what conditions it is robust or vulnerable. We find a counter-intuitive result: certain kinds of lying and cheating in the nodes can actually improve some aspects of system performance.
SLAC and
SLACER: what happens when you try to be "smart" about who you reject
Emma Norling
Centre for Policy Modelling, Manchester (UK)
Tags – visible cues by which agents form coalitions – have been shown to provide a simple and surprisingly robust (for the society if not the indivdual) mechanism for cooperation. The SLAC and SLACER algorithms particularly have demonstrated how simple rules can be used to construct networks of cooperating individuals based on the perceived success of these individuals. Networks constructed using these algorithms are even reasonably robust in the presence of cheats and liars. My interest is in extending this work in two ways. The first is to see what (if any) benefits can be gained from a less ‘lazy’ approach to network configuration in the SLACER algorithm. Currently, when a node reconfigures its network, links to other nodes are dropped randomly. What improvements can be gained by keeping track of ‘useful’ neighbours, and preferentially keeping these links? The second extension is to explore these algorithms in the context of applications that require cooperation from multiple partners. A real world example of such an application would be a supply chain, where specialist firms supply different components to create a particular finished product (but the components of any given firm may be used in many different products). The applications of SLAC and SLACER to date have been in two-party cooperation situations, where the successful completion of a task requires only pair-wise cooperation. I have models in development looking at both of these extensions, with some preliminary results in the first case, and no results yet in the second. I would be happy to discuss my work on one or both of these areas at the workshop.
Socially Rational Utilitarianism
in a Peer-to-Peer System
Andrea Marcozzi, David Hales.
University of Bologna (Italy)
For many applications peer-to-peer (P2P) systems require their member nodes (or agents) to behave in a socially beneficial (non-egotistical) way. Kalenka and Jennings (1999) termed this requirement as the “Principle of Social Rationality”: if an agent has a choice of actions it should chose the action that maximizes the social utility (sum of all agent utilities in the system). This principle can be contrasted with classical individual rationality that states agents should select actions that maximize their individual utility. However, developing protocols for realistic P2P systems that adhere to the principle of social rationality is very difficult and potentially so costly as to negate the benefits. This is because P2P systems have no central control, are potentially huge (composed of millions of nodes) and have high node turnover (with users continually entering and leaving the system). In addition, selfish or malicious nodes can get into the system via hacked client programs. These factors mean that individual nodes, even if they wish to follow a socially rational principle, often will not have enough information to gauge the effects of their actions on others. It would be too costly for every node to ask every other node to report its state before every individual action – even if it was possible. Recently, simple locally adaptive protocols have been proposed that claim to produce socially rational outcomes through a process of self-organisation even though nodes only act on their own utility values. In this approach nodes preferentially copy other nodes (by duplicating their behaviour and links) that have higher utilities. However, in these previous works only specific scenarios are considered in which certain plausible utility values are selected. In this poster we take one such existing P2P model (the SkillWorld) and modify the utilities to explore a large space of possible values. In each case we checked if the protocol maximized the collective utility or not. We found in each case that if the collective cost of an action was less than or equal to the collective benefit the protocol self-organized the network to a state where nodes selected this action. We present a synthesis of results from computer simulations covering over ten billion interactions.